Associate Professor & 临时的椅子
Department of Information 技术 & 决策科学


NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in 业务 政府, University of Minnesota, (2006)


Supply Chain 管理


Quality management; process improvement; quantitative research methods;


妈,K. 清. 张伟. (2023). Assessing univariate and multivariate normality in PLS-SEM. Data Analysis Perspectives Journal 4 (1) , pp. 1--7.
刘,R.福特,J. B.张伟. 邦尼奇,J. (2023). Reappraising the roles of review valence and conflict in online relationships. Journal of 业务 研究 167 , pp. 114187.
张. 张伟. (2022). Network orientation, organisational improvisation and innovation: An empirical examination. Systems 研究 and Behavioral Science 39 (3) , pp. 668-678.
哈里森,K.福特,J. B.卡兰德,K.商人A. 张伟. The development and validation of a Chinese American Affiliation Scale. Journal of 业务 研究 143 , pp. 331-345.
陈,Y., Duan, L. 张伟. (2020). Effect of User Involvement in Supply Chain Cloud 创新. Journal of 全球 Information 管理 28 (1) , pp. 23-38.
赵,年代., Fang, Y.张伟. 江,H. (2020). Trust, Perceived Benefit, and Purchase Intention in C2C E-Commerce. Journal of 全球 Information 管理 28 (1) , pp. 121-141.
做饭,维. P. 张伟. (2019). The Baldrige Award’s falling fortunes. Benchmarking: An 国际 Journal 26 (6) , pp. 1972-1994.
Yu, X.陶,Y.陈,Y.张伟. 徐,P. (2019). Social networks and online store performance in emerging economies: the mediating effect of legitimacy. 电子市场 29 (2) , pp. 201-218.
谢,K.刘忠.陈,L.张伟.刘,S. 乔杜里,S. S.. (2019). Success factors and complex dynamics of crowdfunding: An empirical research on Taobao platform in China. 电子市场 29 (2) , pp. 187-199.
刘,G. S.张伟. 郭,C. D. (2018). Impacts of supply chain planning and integration on mass customization. Journal of Manufacturing 技术 管理 29 (3) , pp. 608-628.
赵,年代.徐,B. 张伟. (2018). 政府R&D subsidy policy in China: An empirical examination of effect, priority, and specifics. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 135 , pp. 75-82.
谢,K.宋,Y.张伟.郝,J.刘忠. 陈,Y. (2018). Technological entrepreneurship in science parks: A case study of Wuhan Donghu High-Tech Zone. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 135 , pp. 156-168.
江,H.赵,S.,袁,Y.张,L., Duan, L. 张伟. (2018). The coupling relationship between standard development and technology advancement: A game theoretical perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 135 , pp. 169-177.
Jason 刘,G.张伟. 郭,C. (2018). Impacts of supply chain planning and integration on mass customization. Journal of Manufacturing 技术 管理 29 (3) , pp. 608-628.
王,X.王,L.张,L.徐,X.张伟. Xu, Y. (2017). Developing an employee turnover risk evaluation model using case-based reasoning. Information Systems Frontier 19 (3) , pp. 569-576.
赵,年代.徐,B. 张伟. (2017). 政府r&d subsidy policy in China: An empirical examination of effect, priority, and specifics. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
郭,R.蔡,L. 张伟. (2016). Effectuation and causation in new internet venture growth The mediating effect of resource bundling strategy. 互联网研究 26 (2) , pp. 460-483.
太阳,我.姚,M.张伟.陈,Y. 刘,Y. (2016). Entrepreneurial environment, market-oriented strategy, and entrepreneurial performance A study of Chinese automobile firms. 互联网研究 26 (2) , pp. 546-562.
李,X.沈,J.,马,W. 张伟. (2016). The effect of business ties and government ties on new IT venture growth: an empirical examination in China. Information 技术 & 管理 17 (3) , pp. 245-261.
徐,X.张伟. Li, L. X. (2016). The impact of technology type and life cycle on IT productivity variance: A contingency theoretical perspective. 国际 Journal of Information 管理 36 (6) , pp. 1193-1204.
希尔,. V..张伟. 伯奇,G. F.. (2015). Forecasting the forecastability quotient for inventory management. 国际 Journal of Forecasting 31 (3) , pp. 651-663.
张女士.希尔,A. V.. 吉尔布雷斯,G. H.. (2011). A 研究 Agenda for Six Sigma 研究. Quality 管理 Journal 18 (1) , pp. 39-53.
徐,X.张伟. 以及R . Barkhi. (2010). IT infrastructure capabilities and IT project success: a development team perspective. Information 技术 & 管理 11 (3) , pp. 123-142.
希尔,. V.. 张伟. (2010). Six common misuses of the inventory turnover and days-on-hand metrics. Production and Inventory 管理 Journal 46 (1) , pp. 36-45.
张女士. 徐,X. (2008). Six Sigma and Information Systems Project 管理: A Revised Theoretical Model. Project 管理 Journal 39 (3) , pp. 59-74.
张女士.希尔,A. V..施罗德,R. G.. 凯文,L。. W.. (2008). Project management infrastructure: The key to operational performance improvement. Operations 管理 研究 1 , pp. 40-52.