约翰 & 凯特·布罗德里克荣誉机会奖学金


The 约翰 and 凯特·布罗德里克荣誉机会奖学金 allows you to design and pursue a learning experience that integrates the three pillars of an honors education.


Funded by Patricia and Douglas Perry to honor the major contributions of former President 约翰 Broderick and First Lady Kate Broderick to 最靠谱的网赌软件 and the Commonwealth, the Broderick Scholarship Program provides opportunity scholarships to help rising sophomores and juniors pursue their educational interests while making a difference in the world. Transfer students and seniors may apply provided they have at least two semesters (may include summers) remaining at Old Dominion at the time of the award to allow sufficient time to plan and execute their proposed experience. 奖学金将于9月开始发放(秋季一半,春季一半).

Working with a faculty mentor and the Prestigious Scholarship Coordinator in the 佩里荣誉学院, applicants will design and pursue a learning experience that integrates the three pillars of an honors education: research, 公民参与, 和领导能力. 与每个学生的学术追求紧密相连, 这种学习经历通常包括文化交流等活动, 实习, 阴影, 研究项目, 出国留学, 以及其他体验式学习的机会.

荣誉奖学金委员会将审核申请, 进行个人面试, 并提出建议供审查和最终选择.


尽快: 提交一个 申请意向
2月. 1: 应用程序打开
3月1日中午12点.m. 美国东部时间: 截止申请日期


候选人必须是大二或大三的学生 至少3分.申请时ODU的平均绩点(GPA)为5. 候选人必须是佩里荣誉学院的学生才能申请. 然而, individuals who wish to apply for the Broderick Opportunity Scholarship may still do so provided that they also apply and gain admittance to the 佩里荣誉学院 before the Broderick Scholarship deadline. Opportunity scholarship recipients must maintain good academic standing in the 佩里荣誉学院 in order for the Broderick scholar funding to be disbursed.

第一部分. 应用程序


以PDF格式通过 应用程序的网站. 1英寸边距. 1 / 2行间距. 12pt, Times Roman字体. Continuous pagination; the cover sheet is page 1. 提案及证明材料须按以下方式组织:

1. 封面页

2. 个人陈述(不超过2页)
个人陈述是一种叙述,介绍你是一个充满好奇心的人, 充满激情的, 开启一段改变人生的经历. 个人陈述可以采用多种形式. Examples of topics you might include are any personal and academic experiences that have prepared you to make the most of your proposed educational experience. 一定要明确你的学术目标, 毕业后的计划, 以及你朝着这些目标和计划取得的进展.

3. 机会建议书(不超过5页)
The opportunity proposal is a detailed outline and description of your proposed experiential learning experience. 它应该反映出一种经过仔细研究的体验, 以有条不紊的一步一步的方式描述, 包括时间轴. 最重要的是, your proposal will demonstrate how a Broderick Opportunity Scholarship will support your development as a scholar and to link your education at ODU to your future as an engaged citizen of the world.

4. 简历或个人简历
Your resume outlines experiences relevant to your Opportunity Scholarship Proposal: selected employment, 学术工作, 学术和课外活动.

5. 预算

第二部分. 证明材料(无需分页)

Include an unofficial transcript from ODU and from any other university you have attended if you are a transfer student.

Submit one letter of recommendation from your ODU faculty/campus mentor addressing the quality of your proposed experience. 这封信还应该说明你对项目的准备和适合性, 你作为未来领导者的潜力, 研究员, 或者改变媒介. 第二封信可以来自任何与你密切合作过的人.



  • 成功对你来说意味着什么? 换句话说,你个人是如何定义成功的?
  • 你对什么有激情?
  • 什么样的学习经历能让你有机会把你的教育和你的理想联系起来?
  • 毕业前你想完成什么 & 你毕业后想做什么? 你的设计体验是如何帮助你实现这些目标的?
  • 你所提出的经验如何为你提供加深理解的机会, 进一步完善生活哲学或世界观, 实现你所定义的成功?


  • 出国留学
  • 本科研究
  • 公民参与/领导
  • 实习
  • 有创意的 & 艺术项目



Take an inventory of what you might have to say by freewriting in response to the following questions.

  • 想想你是如何申请到布罗德里克机会奖学金的. What are some of the major landmarks in your life that are relevant to who you are now as a student and a scholar?
  • 你为什么要申请布罗德里克机会奖学金? 你如何适合获得奖学金?
  • 到目前为止,机会奖学金是如何与你的学习联系起来的? 你的领域是什么?为什么它很重要? How have you engaged with your topic of study not just in the classroom but outside the classroom thus far? 你有什么独特的技能可以帮助你实现你在提案中列出的目标?
  • 你想做什么?布罗德里克机会奖学金将如何帮助你实现这一目标?
  • 你提出的经验对人类理解、公民参与、艺术等有何贡献.? 你所提议的项目可能产生的影响是什么? 您希望通过您的项目参与或影响哪些社区? 你想要的体验有何独特之处?
  • 你未来的教育或职业目标是什么, 以及机会奖学金如何帮助你实现这些目标?


回顾你对自由写作问题的回答. 拿出例子, 信息, 和其他可能给你的个人陈述一个主题/论点和开始/中间/结束的项目. Also pull out the most compelling details and examples that might distinguish you from other candidates applying for the scholarship.





  • 是真实的. 个人陈述可以帮助选拔委员会了解你是一个怎样的人. 这是你帮助读者与你建立联系的机会.
  • 尽可能使用具体的例子.
  • 清晰而具体地描述你的目标.

每个学生需要两封推荐信, 其中一份必须来自ODU教师/拟议项目的校园导师. 请在写信前查看申请材料. 给 the applicant a deadline to get the proposal to you so that you will have time to write your letter.


关于学生的教育计划: 提出的教育经验的可行性和优点. 教育计划如何与申请人毕业后的计划相适应? Which of the student's qualities prompts you to recommend that this student will be able to carry out the student's educational plan?

关于学生: 什么迹象(个人特征!, 领导才能, 知识的礼物, accomplishments) do you have that this student could potentially become a leader in the student's chosen field and/or community? 这个学生最突出的品质是什么?给你留下最深刻印象的品质是什么? 你会推荐申请人申请布罗德里克机会奖学金吗? 请直接说明这一点,并说明你推荐的力度.


候选人必须是大二或大三的学生 至少3分.申请时ODU的平均绩点(GPA)为5. 候选人必须是佩里荣誉学院的学生才能申请. 然而, individuals who wish to apply for the Broderick Opportunity Scholarship may still do so provided that they also apply and gain admittance to the 佩里荣誉学院 before the Broderick Scholarship deadline. Opportunity scholarship recipients must maintain good academic standing in the 佩里荣誉学院 in order for the Broderick scholar funding to be disbursed.

第一部分. 应用程序


以PDF格式通过 应用程序的网站. 1英寸边距. 1 / 2行间距. 12pt, Times Roman字体. Continuous pagination; the cover sheet is page 1. 提案及证明材料须按以下方式组织:

1. 封面页

2. 个人陈述(不超过2页)
个人陈述是一种叙述,介绍你是一个充满好奇心的人, 充满激情的, 开启一段改变人生的经历. 个人陈述可以采用多种形式. Examples of topics you might include are any personal and academic experiences that have prepared you to make the most of your proposed educational experience. 一定要明确你的学术目标, 毕业后的计划, 以及你朝着这些目标和计划取得的进展.

3. 机会建议书(不超过5页)
The opportunity proposal is a detailed outline and description of your proposed experiential learning experience. 它应该反映出一种经过仔细研究的体验, 以有条不紊的一步一步的方式描述, 包括时间轴. 最重要的是, your proposal will demonstrate how a Broderick Opportunity Scholarship will support your development as a scholar and to link your education at ODU to your future as an engaged citizen of the world.

4. 简历或个人简历
Your resume outlines experiences relevant to your Opportunity Scholarship Proposal: selected employment, 学术工作, 学术和课外活动.

5. 预算

第二部分. 证明材料(无需分页)

Include an unofficial transcript from ODU and from any other university you have attended if you are a transfer student.

Submit one letter of recommendation from your ODU faculty/campus mentor addressing the quality of your proposed experience. 这封信还应该说明你对项目的准备和适合性, 你作为未来领导者的潜力, 研究员, 或者改变媒介. 第二封信可以来自任何与你密切合作过的人.



  • 成功对你来说意味着什么? 换句话说,你个人是如何定义成功的?
  • 你对什么有激情?
  • 什么样的学习经历能让你有机会把你的教育和你的理想联系起来?
  • 毕业前你想完成什么 & 你毕业后想做什么? 你的设计体验是如何帮助你实现这些目标的?
  • 你所提出的经验如何为你提供加深理解的机会, 进一步完善生活哲学或世界观, 实现你所定义的成功?


  • 出国留学
  • 本科研究
  • 公民参与/领导
  • 实习
  • 有创意的 & 艺术项目



Take an inventory of what you might have to say by freewriting in response to the following questions.

  • 想想你是如何申请到布罗德里克机会奖学金的. What are some of the major landmarks in your life that are relevant to who you are now as a student and a scholar?
  • 你为什么要申请布罗德里克机会奖学金? 你如何适合获得奖学金?
  • 到目前为止,机会奖学金是如何与你的学习联系起来的? 你的领域是什么?为什么它很重要? How have you engaged with your topic of study not just in the classroom but outside the classroom thus far? 你有什么独特的技能可以帮助你实现你在提案中列出的目标?
  • 你想做什么?布罗德里克机会奖学金将如何帮助你实现这一目标?
  • 你提出的经验对人类理解、公民参与、艺术等有何贡献.? 你所提议的项目可能产生的影响是什么? 您希望通过您的项目参与或影响哪些社区? 你想要的体验有何独特之处?
  • 你未来的教育或职业目标是什么, 以及机会奖学金如何帮助你实现这些目标?


回顾你对自由写作问题的回答. 拿出例子, 信息, 和其他可能给你的个人陈述一个主题/论点和开始/中间/结束的项目. Also pull out the most compelling details and examples that might distinguish you from other candidates applying for the scholarship.





  • 是真实的. 个人陈述可以帮助选拔委员会了解你是一个怎样的人. 这是你帮助读者与你建立联系的机会.
  • 尽可能使用具体的例子.
  • 清晰而具体地描述你的目标.

每个学生需要两封推荐信, 其中一份必须来自ODU教师/拟议项目的校园导师. 请在写信前查看申请材料. 给 the applicant a deadline to get the proposal to you so that you will have time to write your letter.


关于学生的教育计划: 提出的教育经验的可行性和优点. 教育计划如何与申请人毕业后的计划相适应? Which of the student's qualities prompts you to recommend that this student will be able to carry out the student's educational plan?

关于学生: 什么迹象(个人特征!, 领导才能, 知识的礼物, accomplishments) do you have that this student could potentially become a leader in the student's chosen field and/or community? 这个学生最突出的品质是什么?给你留下最深刻印象的品质是什么? 你会推荐申请人申请布罗德里克机会奖学金吗? 请直接说明这一点,并说明你推荐的力度.


申请人必须是即将升学的二年级学生,即将升学的三年级学生或即将升学的四年级学生,成绩至少为3分.ODU的平均绩点(GPA)为5,并且在毕业前至少有两个学期. 候选人必须是佩里荣誉学院的学生才能申请. 然而, individuals who wish to apply for the Broderick Opportunity Scholarship may still do so provided that they also apply and gain admittance to the 佩里荣誉学院 before the Broderick Opportunity scholarship deadline. Opportunity scholarship recipients must maintain good academic standing in the 佩里荣誉学院 in order for the Broderick scholar funding to be disbursed.

尽快: 提交一个 申请意向
2月. 1: 应用程序打开
3月1日中午12点.m. 美国东部时间: 截止申请日期


最高6000美元可用于生活费. It must be clear that the living expenses are needed because there are no other sources of possible funding (e.g., 金融援助, a job for which you may need to reduce your hourly commitments in order to pursue your educational experience).

你最多可以要求20美元,000, but you should be aware that the point of the Broderick Opportunity Scholarship is to fund an experience that enhances your education. The budget for your proposal will be carefully evaluated to make sure that the requested funds make an experience possible but are not more than the experience will cost. 如果没有仔细研究和合理的预算,提案就不会成功.

表达你的 申请意向. 思考并自由写下你毕业后的计划(见“给学生的建议”). 然后,与你的导师/推荐人讨论一下可能性. Dr. 佩里荣誉学院的大卫·梅茨格也很乐意和你合作. He can email you a list of hyperlinks to help jumpstart your thinking about opportunity possibilities if you don't already have something in mind.

关键是你要创造没有奖学金就不可能拥有的经历. 这个清单并不是唯一的:出国留学, 本科研究, 公民参与/服务学习, 领导机会, 实习, 创业, 创意及艺术项目.

是的. 你可能需要旅行去做与一个短篇故事或戏剧有关的研究, 探索档案馆或博物馆, 就你的创意项目进行采访. The scholarship might also be used to defray the cost of attending an artists/writers colony/conference/workshop.

在大学教授的实验室里工作, 或者在工业实验室里, 档案研究, 数据收集/实地调查和分析, 参加以研究为重点的海外学习机会, 等.

与城市/州/非政府机构合作发展公共教育项目, 收集/分析与社区问题(犯罪)有关的数据, 气候变化, 健康), 在社区组织实习, performing policy/advocacy/activist research (data collection and/or analysis related to domestic violence, 性侵犯, 仇恨犯罪, 儿童营养, 无家可归, 不利的环境影响).

Formulating and implementing action-based plans like emergency response procedures or 气候变化 readiness, 解决社区/全球卫生等问题的社会影响项目, 无家可归, 人口贩卖, 和暴力.

与民选官员实习, 政府机构, 倡导组织, 研究小组, 智库.

出国留学 is a life-changing experience that allows students to experience an education not just in the classroom but as a lived experience in a different part of the world.


现在不行. 我们期待在明年3月1日之前看到您的申请.
