学费 Assistance



Department of Defense 学费 Assistance is not a loan; it's money you've earned that will cover up to 100 percent of your tuition expenses.

如果你是现役军人符合一定的标准, you may qualify for tuition assistance.

未来的学生必须在注册之前获得教育服务官员(ESO)或你所在服务部门的顾问的批准. 每个服务分支都设置了自己的标准来确定该计划的资格,并有自己的申请流程. 


服务人员有责任并鼓励他们与他们的教育服务主任(ESO)或教育办公室交谈以获得支持, prior to enrolling in classes.

资金通常通过第三方账单直接支付给ODU的财务办公室.  如果你被批准了,你需要将你的助教凭证提交给第三方计费 thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.

TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, 未赚到的钱会根据学生退学的时间退还给国防部. ODU’s Return of Unused Funds policy 符合国防部的政策,要求将任何未赚取的技术援助资金按比例返还给国防部(“国防部”),至少在资金提供期间的60%.  将资金返还给国防部可能会导致学生债务,学生将对此负责.

Before you submit, have you completed these three steps below?

学费 Assistance by Branch


军队点燃2.0 launched on 29 August 2022.

All soldiers need to do the following:

  1. Click “开始” on 军队点燃 to create your 账户.
  2. Complete the required information and use your .mil email address. 
  3. 单击submit. 
  4. Once you have created an 账户, log in to the portal. (A CAC id is required for access)

  1. 登录你的 军队点燃 账户.
  2. Select “Education Goals”
  3. Click “Create New Goal”
  4. 选择理想目标(副学士学位、学士学位、硕士学位等).  与您的ESO合作,确保任何未完成的要求得到满足.
  5. 输入机构信息(旧道明大学),学生证(UIN)和学位课程.
  6. 从你的学术顾问或DegreeWorks上传你的学位计划,并输入其他所需的信息.
  7. Click “Submit for Review.”

  1. 登录你的 军队点燃 账户.
  2. Select “Active Education Goals”
  3. Select “应用 for 资金”
  4. Verify 联系 Information
  5. Acknowledge the “User Agreement” and Click “I Agree, Continue”
  6. Verify “Education Center,” identify if deployed and Click “Next”
  7. Verify “Education Institution”
  8. Select Start and End Dates
  9. 点击“添加课程”选择您想要的课程,并输入所有课程信息.
  10. Click “Add Course” to add additional courses.  Click “Submit” when all courses have been added.
  11. 你将收到助教申请已提交的确认. Please note your “TA Request ID” and click “Finish.”

注意: 学费援助申请(TAR)必须在课程开始日期前60至7天内提交.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.


学费援助(TA)只能用于批准的证书和学位课程. TA will cover 100 percent of tuition up to $250 per credit hour.


服务人员在首次使用助教前,必须完成网上培训课程. The Virtual 学习 101 training is located in the My海军 Education portal under the 学费 Assistance icon. This course is required once per active-duty career. 然而, 我们强烈建议每一至两年完成一次培训,以了解现行的行政助理政策和程序.



第四步:申请学费援助:海军陆战队员和水手必须通过学校申请学费援助(TA) My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

海军陆战队员和水兵必须通过奖学金申请学费援助 My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.

注意: 助教不包括书籍和其他材料或学术机构的费用. It will not fund retakes of the same course. If you leave the service before class ends, 撤回, 或者挂科, 你必须偿还任何已经支付的学费援助资金.


学费援助(TA)只能用于批准的证书和学位课程. TA will cover 100 percent of tuition up to $250 per credit hour.


服务人员在首次使用助教前,必须完成网上培训课程. The Virtual 学习 101 training is located in the My海军 Education portal under the 学费 Assistance icon. This course is required once per active-duty career. 然而, 我们强烈建议每一至两年完成一次培训,以了解现行的行政助理政策和程序.



第四步:申请学费援助:海军陆战队员和水手必须通过学校申请学费援助(TA) My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

海军陆战队员和水兵必须通过奖学金申请学费援助 My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.

注意: 助教不包括书籍和其他材料或学术机构的费用. It will not fund retakes of the same course. If you leave the service before class ends, 撤回, 或者挂科, 你必须偿还任何已经支付的学费援助资金.


学费援助(TA)只能用于批准的证书和学位课程. TA will cover 100 percent of tuition up to $250 per credit hour.


服务人员在首次使用助教前,必须完成网上培训课程. The Virtual 学习 101 training is located in the My海军 Education portal under the 学费 Assistance icon. This course is required once per active-duty career. 然而, 我们强烈建议每一至两年完成一次培训,以了解现行的行政助理政策和程序.



第四步:申请学费援助:海军陆战队员和水手必须通过学校申请学费援助(TA) My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

海军陆战队员和水兵必须通过奖学金申请学费援助 My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.

注意: 助教不包括书籍和其他材料或学术机构的费用. It will not fund retakes of the same course. If you leave the service before class ends, 撤回, 或者挂科, 你必须偿还任何已经支付的学费援助资金.


The 空军 currently pays 100 percent of tuition, up to $250 per semester hour and $166 quarter hour ($4,每年500), 在与国防部签署了谅解备忘录的认可学校的课外课程中攻读经批准的学位课程.

步骤1: 登录到 AFVEC网站 (A CAC Id is required)

步骤2: Click “应用 for 资金”

步骤3: Verify info of Supervisor and student.

步骤4: Read and check every box. Then click the “I Agree, Continue button”

步骤5: 选择将批准此助教资助申请的教育办公室的正确位置.

步骤6: Select your institution.

第七步: Select your courses and input course details.

第八步: Review and Submit the application.

步骤9: After approval, submit TA vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com


弗吉尼亚州立法机构已将弗吉尼亚州国民警卫队学费援助计划改为从2023年春季学期开始的报销请求计划.  Other grants and aid will be deducted first (ex. Federal TA, Post-9/11, etc.),州政府将只向学生支付最后的学费奖励.  Montgomery GI和1606的费用仍将直接支付给学生.

另外, 学生负责支付学费援助之外的强制性费用和学费, such as technology fees, 课程材料, and other required fees charged by the university.

To apply for reimbursement, all National Guard students must:

  1. Self-fund each semester with the school.
  2. 每学期在开放窗口注册期间提交报销申请.  Deadline dates are posted on the State TA program website.  
  3. 提交注册时,签署并邮寄学期期票.
  4. 在学期结束后30天内提交学校的成绩成绩单和财务报表,以便考虑报销国家学费援助.
  5. 填写并提交W9身份证明和直接存款表格,这些表格将在州TA网站上提供,以方便学生.


军队点燃2.0 launched on 29 August 2022.

All soldiers need to do the following:

  1. Click “开始” on 军队点燃 to create your 账户.
  2. Complete the required information and use your .mil email address. 
  3. 单击submit. 
  4. Once you have created an 账户, log in to the portal. (A CAC id is required for access)

  1. 登录你的 军队点燃 账户.
  2. Select “Education Goals”
  3. Click “Create New Goal”
  4. 选择理想目标(副学士学位、学士学位、硕士学位等).  与您的ESO合作,确保任何未完成的要求得到满足.
  5. 输入机构信息(旧道明大学),学生证(UIN)和学位课程.
  6. 从你的学术顾问或DegreeWorks上传你的学位计划,并输入其他所需的信息.
  7. Click “Submit for Review.”

  1. 登录你的 军队点燃 账户.
  2. Select “Active Education Goals”
  3. Select “应用 for 资金”
  4. Verify 联系 Information
  5. Acknowledge the “User Agreement” and Click “I Agree, Continue”
  6. Verify “Education Center,” identify if deployed and Click “Next”
  7. Verify “Education Institution”
  8. Select Start and End Dates
  9. 点击“添加课程”选择您想要的课程,并输入所有课程信息.
  10. Click “Add Course” to add additional courses.  Click “Submit” when all courses have been added.
  11. 你将收到助教申请已提交的确认. Please note your “TA Request ID” and click “Finish.”

注意: 学费援助申请(TAR)必须在课程开始日期前60至7天内提交.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.


学费援助(TA)只能用于批准的证书和学位课程. TA will cover 100 percent of tuition up to $250 per credit hour.


服务人员在首次使用助教前,必须完成网上培训课程. The Virtual 学习 101 training is located in the My海军 Education portal under the 学费 Assistance icon. This course is required once per active-duty career. 然而, 我们强烈建议每一至两年完成一次培训,以了解现行的行政助理政策和程序.



第四步:申请学费援助:海军陆战队员和水手必须通过学校申请学费援助(TA) My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

海军陆战队员和水兵必须通过奖学金申请学费援助 My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.

注意: 助教不包括书籍和其他材料或学术机构的费用. It will not fund retakes of the same course. If you leave the service before class ends, 撤回, 或者挂科, 你必须偿还任何已经支付的学费援助资金.


学费援助(TA)只能用于批准的证书和学位课程. TA will cover 100 percent of tuition up to $250 per credit hour.


服务人员在首次使用助教前,必须完成网上培训课程. The Virtual 学习 101 training is located in the My海军 Education portal under the 学费 Assistance icon. This course is required once per active-duty career. 然而, 我们强烈建议每一至两年完成一次培训,以了解现行的行政助理政策和程序.



第四步:申请学费援助:海军陆战队员和水手必须通过学校申请学费援助(TA) My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

海军陆战队员和水兵必须通过奖学金申请学费援助 My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.

注意: 助教不包括书籍和其他材料或学术机构的费用. It will not fund retakes of the same course. If you leave the service before class ends, 撤回, 或者挂科, 你必须偿还任何已经支付的学费援助资金.


学费援助(TA)只能用于批准的证书和学位课程. TA will cover 100 percent of tuition up to $250 per credit hour.


服务人员在首次使用助教前,必须完成网上培训课程. The Virtual 学习 101 training is located in the My海军 Education portal under the 学费 Assistance icon. This course is required once per active-duty career. 然而, 我们强烈建议每一至两年完成一次培训,以了解现行的行政助理政策和程序.



第四步:申请学费援助:海军陆战队员和水手必须通过学校申请学费援助(TA) My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

海军陆战队员和水兵必须通过奖学金申请学费援助 My海军 Education portal 不迟于课程开始前七(7)天,不迟于课程开始前120天.

Submit your TA Vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com.

注意: 助教不包括书籍和其他材料或学术机构的费用. It will not fund retakes of the same course. If you leave the service before class ends, 撤回, 或者挂科, 你必须偿还任何已经支付的学费援助资金.


The 空军 currently pays 100 percent of tuition, up to $250 per semester hour and $166 quarter hour ($4,每年500), 在与国防部签署了谅解备忘录的认可学校的课外课程中攻读经批准的学位课程.

步骤1: 登录到 AFVEC网站 (A CAC Id is required)

步骤2: Click “应用 for 资金”

步骤3: Verify info of Supervisor and student.

步骤4: Read and check every box. Then click the “I Agree, Continue button”

步骤5: 选择将批准此助教资助申请的教育办公室的正确位置.

步骤6: Select your institution.

第七步: Select your courses and input course details.

第八步: Review and Submit the application.

步骤9: After approval, submit TA vouchers to thirdpartybilling@lefoudy.com


弗吉尼亚州立法机构已将弗吉尼亚州国民警卫队学费援助计划改为从2023年春季学期开始的报销请求计划.  Other grants and aid will be deducted first (ex. Federal TA, Post-9/11, etc.),州政府将只向学生支付最后的学费奖励.  Montgomery GI和1606的费用仍将直接支付给学生.

另外, 学生负责支付学费援助之外的强制性费用和学费, such as technology fees, 课程材料, and other required fees charged by the university.

To apply for reimbursement, all National Guard students must:

  1. Self-fund each semester with the school.
  2. 每学期在开放窗口注册期间提交报销申请.  Deadline dates are posted on the State TA program website.  
  3. 提交注册时,签署并邮寄学期期票.
  4. 在学期结束后30天内提交学校的成绩成绩单和财务报表,以便考虑报销国家学费援助.
  5. 填写并提交W9身份证明和直接存款表格,这些表格将在州TA网站上提供,以方便学生.

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